Here are some basic checks to perform to troubleshoot this integration:
- Is the job queue setup to run the integration
- Is the job queue in an error state that requires resolving
- Is the logistics api parties setup present and correct
- Are there errors for any particular trip leg/container in the logistics created ids page
- Are any of these errors related to missing logistics translations
- For container tracking events in the logistics integration events page, do some events need their dates manually applied
Job Queue
The Run Logistics Integration report object is scheduled to run in the Job Queue, and this facilitates the creation of shipments and containers on the remote portal (by pushing trough an API). How it knows which remote portal party/parties to send this information to, is by referencing the Logistics API Parties page for the necessary setup.
Furthermore, the job queue could fail to run, or experience an error. To monitor this, simply have a look at the Job Queue Entry page for this report object and see if it is an error state. It is advisable to install Linc’s Job Queue Monitor app which can notify you of job queue failures.
Logistics API Parties
Some possible issues with the integration could be that in the Logistics API Parties page
- this setup is missing
- one or more of the properties in this setup is missing or wrong
- such as the URL, the connection credentials, etc.
Logistics Created IDs
During the push to the remote portal of shipments and containers (ProduceLinc Freight Trip Legs and Containers with Produce Trade related content), each attempt to create a remote record for a trip leg/container combination, is logged in the Logistics Created IDs table - this can be viewed by looking at the corresponding page.
If an attempt was successful, the trip leg/container record will have a LogisticsShipmentNumber, LogisticsShipmentID, LogisticsContainerNumber, LogisticsContainerID filled in (returned by the remote portal) and will NOT have an ErrorMessage.
If there was an issue with creating the record, there WILL be an ErrorMessage. Hovering your mouse pointer over the error message will reveal the full error returned by the remote portal.
The majority of errors that will typically cause a trip leg/container to not have created successfully on the remote portal, are related to master data in ProduceLinc not being understood by the remote portal. To resolve this, see Logistics Translations below.
Logistics Translations
Here is a typical master data related error from the remote portal:
Web service returned error:\\Status code: 400\Description: Bad Request\{"errors":["The value was not identified [LCL] ShippingLine"],"message":"The request failed due to errors in the list"}
This error indicates that the remote portal does not know of a ShippingLine with the code LCL
This either indicates that a Logistics Translation needs to be setup for ShippingLine:LCL or that LCL is in fact NOT a shipping line and the value should not be populated in the related trip leg field in ProduceLinc.
If a translation is indeed missing or required, simply add a translation in the Logistics Translations page for the remote portal field ShippingLine with System Value of LCL
and the corresponding API Value (the remote portal value) of XXX
(where XXX is the master data value in the remote portal).
Logistics Integration Events
For the trip leg/containers that were successfully pushed to the remote portal, the remote portal should push container events in the Logistics Integration Events table. This can be viewed from the similarly names page. The remote portal will use either the external container number or the bill of lading number to identify the ProduceLinc container and push events into this table. As events hit this table, the dates contained in the tracking event are compared to the dates on the related trip leg, and if an update is required to be made to the trip leg, the trip leg date(s) are updated and the datesApplied field is set to true. If for some reason a tracking event dit not have its dates applied and a user believes it should be applied, it can be manually applied with the UpdateDates action from this page after selecting the appropriate record.