
Object Definition

Object TypePage
Object ID71112709
Object NameThirdPartyExcImpMaps_THI_LINC
Source TableThirdPartyExcImpMaps_THI_LINC


Type Caption ToolTip
Field Third Party Code Specifies the unique code of the Third Party Setup record that the mapping applies to.
Field Mapping Type Specifies if the fixed value of the Third Party Reference No. should be imported or if the field should be referenced in the file and the value returned.
Field Third Party Reference No. Specifies the value to be imported into the selected Third Party Transaction field or the column name of fields in the file to be imported.
Field Third Party Trans. Field ID The Third Party Transactions Field ID that will be populated with the fixed value from the Third Party Reference No or column data in the Excel file.
Field Third Party Trans. Field Name The Third Party Transactions field Name that will be populated with the fixed value from the Third Party Reference No or column data in the Excel file.