Field | Third Party Code | Unique Code for each Third Party Setup. Lookup values are from the Linc Lookup Values table. |
Field | Application Area | Specifies the type of transaction data that will be imported and processed. |
Field | No. of Header Rows | For importing files, specifies number of rows to skip at the top of the file. |
Field | XMLPort ID | Specifies the XML Port object ID to be used for importing text files for the specific third party configuration. |
Field | Use Mapping | Indicates wheter to use mappings as defined in Third Party Mappings for the specific configuration. |
Field | Attempt Direct Mapping | At validation, transaction values will be validated against master data if no mapping is found. Field “Use Mapping” must be enabled. |
Field | Allow Creation of Customers/Vendors | Create Customer/Vendors if none are mapped or found. |
Field | Customer/Vendor Template | Default Customer/Vendor template to use if automatically creating customers or vendors. |
Field | Get Customer/Vendor No. | Defines the Customer No. or Vendor No. to use when automatially creating customers or vendors. |
Field | Customer/Vendor No. Prefix | Specifies a prefix to be used in the No. of newly created customers or vendors. |
Field | Create Third Party Mapping | Creates third party mapping when a new customer or vendor is created. |
Field | Automatically Validate | Specifies that the third party transactions should be validated automatically. |
Field | Automatically Create Document | Specifies that sales or purchase documents must be created automatically from the validated transactions. |
Field | Automatically Post Document | Specifies that sales or purchase documents must be posted automatically. |
Field | Process Calculated Disc. | Calculates the difference between the incoming price and existing BC Sales Prices. Difference is added as Sales Line Discount. |
Field | Group By - Account No. | Specifies that a single document must be created for transactions with matching Account Nos. |
Field | Group By - Posting Date | Specifies that a single document must be created for transactions with matching Posting Dates. |
Field | Group By - Ext. Document No. | Specifies that a single document must be created for transactions with matching External Document Nos. |
Field | Group By - Location Code | Specifies that a single document must be created for transactions with matching Location Codes. |
Field | Posting Date From | Specifies how the Posting Date on the resulting document will be populated. |
Field | Include Salesperson/Purchaser | Specifies whether the Salesperson/Purchase Code from the Customer/Vendor master must be included in the created documents. |
Field | Prices Include VAT | Specifies that VAT is included in the Prices in the imported Third Party Transaction record that will be used to create the new Sales/Purchase Documents. |
Field | Sales/Purchasing Document Type | Specifies the type of Sales or Purchase document to create from the imported Third Party Transaction record. |
Field | Use Default Dimensions | Specifies that the default dimensions from the Customers/Vendors/Items master data should be used when the new Sales/Purchase documents are created, instead of the dimensions included in the imported third party transactions. |
Field | Exclude Transaction Dimensions from Header | Specifies the value of the Exclude Transaction Dimensions from Header field. |
Field | Allow Neg. Unit Cost / Price | Specifies that Third Party transaction records with negative Unit Costs/Prices are allowed be used to create new Sales/Purchase documents. |
Field | Ignore Zero Value Line | Specifies that imported Zero Value Lines will not be used to create new Sales/Purchase documents. |
Field | Use Import Description | Specifies that the Descriptions in the imported Third Party transaction records will be used to create the new Sales/Purchase documents lines, instead of the master data descriptions. |
Field | Use Due Date from Import | Indicates that the due date from the imported lines should be used instead of the due date calculated by the system. |
Field | Use Addresses from Import | Indicates that the address from the imported lines should be used instead of the default master data address. |
Field | Use Requisition Date as Shipment Date | Indicates that the requested date from the imported lines should be used as the shipment date. |
Field | Use Responsibility Center | Indicates that the responsibility center imported should be used. |
Field | Use Default Import Prices | Specifies that the prices imported in the Third Party transaction records will be used to create the new Sales/Purchase documents. When imported record values are zero, the document lines unit prices will be set to zero. If not selected, master data prices will be used. |
Field | Use Default Line Discount | Specifies that imported Zero Value Lines will not be used to create new Sales/Purchase documents. |
Field | Populate Default Customer Dimensions | Specifies that default Customer Dimensions should be created from transactions when creating a Customer. |
Field | Use Default Journal Dimensions | Specifies that the default dimensions from the Item, G/L Account master data should be used when the new journal lines are created, instead of the dimensions included in the imported third party transactions. |
Field | Item Journal Template | Indicates the Item Journal Template to be used when creating Item Journal Lines from Third Party Transactions. This template will also be used when scheduling processing through Action Third Party Transactions. |
Field | Item Journal Batch | Indicates the Item Journal Batch to be used when creating Item Journal Lines from Third Party Transactions. This batch will also be used when scheduling processing through Action Third Party Transactions. |
Field | Use Import Amount | Specifies that the amounts imported in the Third Party transaction records will be used to create the new Item Journal Line. When imported record values are zero, the journal lines amounts will be set to zero. If not selected, master data will be used. |
Field | Gen. Journal Template | Indicates the default Gen. Journal Template to be used when creating Gen. Journal Lines from Third Party Transactions, if a template value is not imported. This template will also be used when scheduling processing through Action Third Party Transactions. |
Field | Gen. Journal Batch | Indicates the default Gen. Journal Batch to be used when creating Gen. Journal Lines from Third Party Transactions, if a batch value is not imported. This batch will also be used when scheduling processing through Action Third Party Transactions. |
Field | Use Def. Post. setup Gen. Jnl import | Indicates if the Default Posting Setup must be used when creating the General Journal line. |
Field | Use Import Journal Description | Specifies that the Descriptions in the imported Third Party transaction records will be used to create the new General Journal lines, instead of the master data descriptions. |
Action | Import Transactions | Import transactions using the XMLport selected. |