Field | Third Party Code | Unique Code for each Third Party Setup. Lookup values are from the Linc Lookup Values table. |
Field | Application Area | Specifies the type of transaction data that will be imported and processed. |
Field | Sales/Purchasing Document Type | Specifies the type of Sales or Purchase document to create from the imported Third Party Transaction record. |
Field | XMLPort ID | Specifies the XML Port object ID to be used for importing text files for the specific third party configuration. |
Field | Use Mapping | Indicates wheter to use mappings as defined in Third Party Mappings for the specific configuration. |
Field | Attempt Direct Mapping | At validation, transaction values will be validated against master data if no mapping is found. Field “Use Mapping” must be enabled. |
Field | No. of Header Rows | For importing files, specifies number of rows to skip at the top of the file. |
Field | Group By - Account No. | Specifies that a single document must be created for transactions with matching Account Nos. |
Field | Group By - Posting Date | Specifies that a single document must be created for transactions with matching Posting Dates. |
Field | Group By - Ext. Document No. | Specifies that a single document must be created for transactions with matching External Document Nos. |
Field | Group By - Location Code | Specifies that a single document must be created for transactions with matching Location Codes. |
Field | Include Salesperson/Purchaser | Specifies whether the Salesperson/Purchase Code from the Customer/Vendor master must be included in the created documents. |
Field | Prices Include VAT | Specifies that VAT is included in the Prices in the imported Third Party Transaction record that will be used to create the new Sales/Purchase Documents. |
Field | Use Default Dimensions | Specifies that the default dimensions from the Customers/Vendors/Items master data should be used when the new Sales/Purchase documents are created, instead of the dimensions included in the imported third party transactions. |
Field | Exclude Transaction Dimensions from Header | Specifies the value of the Exclude Transaction Dimensions from Header field. |
Field | Allow Neg. Unit Cost / Price | Specifies that Third Party transaction records with negative Unit Costs/Prices are allowed be used to create new Sales/Purchase documents. |
Field | Use Default Import Prices | Specifies that the prices imported in the Third Party transaction records will be used to create the new Sales/Purchase documents. When imported record values are zero, the document lines unit prices will be set to zero. If not selected, master data prices will be used. |
Field | Ignore Zero Value Line | Specifies that imported Zero Value Lines will not be used to create new Sales/Purchase documents. |
Field | Use Import Description | Specifies that the Descriptions in the imported Third Party transaction records will be used to create the new Sales/Purchase documents lines, instead of the master data descriptions. |
Field | Use Due Date from Import | Indicates that the due date from the imported lines should be used instead of the due date calculated by the system. |
Field | Use Addresses from Import | Indicates that the address from the imported lines should be used instead of the default master data address. |
Field | Use Requisition Date as Shipment Date | Indicates that the requested date from the imported lines should be used as the shipment date. |
Field | Use Responsibility Center | Indicates that the responsibility center imported should be used. |
Field | Automatically Validate | Specifies that Third Party Transactions will be validated automatically. |
Field | Automatically Create Document | Specifies that documents will be created automatically from Third Party Transactions if validated. |
Field | Automatically Post Document | Specifies that documents will be posted automatically from Third Party Transactions if validated and created. |
Field | Posting Date From | Specifies how the Posting Date on the resulting document will be populated. |
Field | Populate Default Customer Dimensions | Create default Customer Dimensions from transactions when creating a Customer. |
Field | Process Calculated Disc. | Calculates the difference between the incoming price and existing BC Sales Prices. Difference is added as Sales Line Discount. |
Action | Import Transactions | Runs the XMLPort Object specified in XMLPort ID, to import the appropriate text file. |
Action | Import Transactions from Excel File | Runs a Report Object to import transactions from a selected Excel file. |