Field | Third Party Code | Indicates which third party setup (configuration) the record was imported for. |
Field | Created DateTime | Indicates the date and time that the imported record was created. |
Field | Application Area | Indicates which application area (sales/purchases) the record was imported for. |
Field | Transaction Type | Determines the type of Document to be created (Invoice, Order, Credit Memo or Return Order) and of the transaction will be excluded from document creation. |
Field | Account No. | Account No. that will be used as the Customer or Vendor No. or Validated against Third Party Mappings. |
Field | Document No. | The Incoming Document No. that corresponds with Third Party origin Document. |
Field | Ext. Document No. | Field value will be transferred to External Document No. on the Documents. |
Field | Your Reference | Field value will be transferred to Your Reference on the Documents. |
Field | Posting Description | Field value will be transferred to Posting Description on the Documents. |
Field | Payment Reference | Field value will be transferred to Payment Reference on Purchase Document. |
Field | Transaction Date | Field value will be used as Document Date and Posting Date, depending on Third Party Setup selection for Posting Date Source, when creating Documents. |
Field | Transaction Due Date | Field value will be transferred to Due Date on the Documents. |
Field | Payment Method Code | Field value will be transferred to Payment Method Code on the Documents. |
Field | Resp. Center | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Resp Center on the Documents. |
Field | Location Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Location Code on the Documents. |
Field | Ship-to Name | Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Name on the Documents. |
Field | Ship-to Address | Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Address on the Documents. |
Field | Ship-to Address 2 | Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Address 2 on the Documents. |
Field | Ship-to City | Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to City on the Documents. |
Field | Ship-to Post Code | Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Post Code on the Documents. |
Field | Ship-to Country | Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Country on the Documents. |
Field | Ship-to Contact | Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Contact on the Documents. |
Field | Line Type | Indicates the Line Type to be transferred to the Document Line. |
Field | Line Type No. | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the No. field on the Document Line. |
Field | Description | Indicates the Description to be transferred to the Document Line. |
Field | Variant Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Variant Code field on the Document Line. |
Field | Unit of Measure | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Unit of Measure field on the Document Line. |
Field | VAT Prod. Posting Group | Field value will be Validated and transferred to VAT Prod. Posting Group field on the Document Line. |
Field | Payment Terms Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Payment Terms field on the Document. |
Field | FA Maint. Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Maintenance Code field on the Document Line. |
Field | Salesperson/Purchaser | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Salesperson- or Purchaser Code field on the Document dependning on transaction type. |
Field | Line Quantity | Field value will be transferred to the Quantity field on the Document Line. |
Field | Line Amount | Field value will be transferred to the Line Amount field on the Document Line. |
Field | Discount | Field value will be transferred to the Line Discount % field on the Document Line. |
Field | VAT Amount | VAT Amount for the Transaction. |
Field | Exch. Rate Factor | Field is used to calculate the Exchange Rate. |
Field | Currency Code | Field value will be transferred to the Currency Code field on the Document Line. |
Field | Sum Qty | Field used for calculation purposes. |
Field | Sum Amount | Field used for calculation purposes. |
Field | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 1 Code field on the Document. |
Field | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 2 Code field on the Document. |
Field | Shortcut Dimension 3 Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 3 Code field on the Document. |
Field | Shortcut Dimension 4 Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 4 Code field on the Document. |
Field | Shortcut Dimension 5 Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 5 Code field on the Document. |
Field | Shortcut Dimension 6 Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 6 Code field on the Document. |
Field | Shortcut Dimension 7 Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 7 Code field on the Document. |
Field | Shortcut Dimension 8 Code | Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 8 Code field on the Document. |
Field | Account Customer No. | Field value is linked to the Account No. field. |
Field | Journal Template | Specifies the value of the Journal Template field. |
Field | Journal Batch | Specifies the value of the Journal Batch field. |
Field | Journal Recurring Method | Specifies the value of the Journal Recurring Method. |
Field | Journal Recurring Frequency | Specifies the value of the Journal Recurring Frequency. |
Field | Gen. Journal VAT Date | Specifies the value of the Gen. Journal VAT Date field. |
Field | Journal Amount (LCY) | Specifies the value of the Journal Amount (LCY) field. |
Field | Gen. Journal Document Type | Specifies the value of the Gen. Journal Document Type field. |
Field | Gen. Journal Account Type | Specifies the value of the Gen. Journal Account Type field. |
Field | Gen. Journal Account No. | Specifies the value of the Gen. Journal Account No. field. |
Field | Val. Gen. Journal Account No. | Specifies the value of the Val. Gen. Journal Account No. field. |
Field | Gen. Posting Type | Specifies the value of the Gen. Posting Type field. |
Field | Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the value of the Gen. Bus. Posting Group field. |
Field | Gen. Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the value of the Gen. Prod. Posting Group field. |
Field | VAT Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the value of the VAT Bus. Posting Group field. |
Field | Bal. Account Type | Specifies the value of the Bal. Account Type field. |
Field | Bal. Account No. | Specifies the value of the Bal. Account No. field. |
Field | Val. Bal. Account No. | Specifies the value of the Val. Bal. Account No. field. |
Field | Bal. Gen. Posting Type | Specifies the value of the Bal. Gen. Posting Type field. |
Field | Bal. Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the value of the Bal. Gen. Bus. Posting Group field. |
Field | Bal. Gen. Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the value of the Bal. Gen. Prod. Posting Group field. |
Field | Bal. VAT Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the value of the Bal. VAT Bus. Posting Group field. |
Field | Bal. VAT Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the value of the Bal. VAT Prod. Posting Group field. |
Field | Val. Validation Status | Validation status of the record. |
Field | Val. Payment Method Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. Account No. | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. Resp. Center | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. Salesperson/Purchaser | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. Currency Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. Location Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. VAT Prod. Posting Group | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. Payment Terms Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. Line Type No. | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. Variant Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. Unit of Measure | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. FA Maint. Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Validated Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Validated Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Validated Shortcut Dimension 3 Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Validated Shortcut Dimension 4 Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Validated Shortcut Dimension 5 Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Validated Shortcut Dimension 6 Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Validated Shortcut Dimension 7 Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Validated Shortcut Dimension 8 Code | Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation. |
Field | Val. Processed By | Indicates the user that processed the transaction. |
Field | Val. Processed Date | Indicates the date the transactions was processed on. |
Field | Val. Document No. | The Document No. that was created and where this transactions was added. |
Field | Val. Document Line No. | The Document Line No. on the created Document No. |
Field | Error Message | Indicates any validation error messages. |
Field | User Comment | User comments on the transaction. |
Field | Response Sent | Indicates if a processing response has been sent to an external party. |
Field | Response Received | Indicates if a processing response has been received from an external party. |
Action | Restore | Restores the Archived transactions to the Third Party Transactions table. |