
Object Definition

Object TypePage
Object ID71112707
Object NameThirdPartyTransact_THI_LINC
Source TableThirdPartyTransact_THI_LINC


Type Caption ToolTip
Field Third Party Code Indicates which third party setup (configuration) the record was imported for.
Field Created DateTime Indicates the date and time that the imported record was created.
Field Application Area Indicates which application area (sales/purchases) the record was imported for.
Field Transaction Type Determines the type of Document to be created (Invoice, Order, Credit Memo or Return Order) and of the transaction will be excluded from document creation.
Field Account No. Account No. that will be used as the Customer or Vendor No. or Validated against Third Party Mappings.
Field Document No. The Incoming Document No. that corresponds with Third Party origin Document.
Field Ext. Document No. Field value will be transferred to External Document No. on the Documents.
Field Your Reference Field value will be transferred to Your Reference on the Documents.
Field Posting Description Field value will be transferred to Posting Description on the Documents.
Field Payment Reference Field value will be transferred to Payment Reference on Purchase Document.
Field Transaction Date Field value will be used as Document Date and Posting Date, depending on Third Party Setup selection for Posting Date Source, when creating Documents.
Field Document Date Field value will be used as Document Date when creating General Journals from Third Party record.
Field Transaction Due Date Field value will be transferred to Due Date on the Documents.
Field Payment Method Code Field value will be transferred to Payment Method Code on the Documents.
Field Resp. Center Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Resp Center on the Documents.
Field Location Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Location Code on the Documents.
Field To Location Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the To Location Code on Item Journals. Adding a value to this field will create a seconday Item Journal lLne as a Negative Adjustment.
Field Ship-to Name Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Name on the Documents.
Field Ship-to Address Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Address on the Documents.
Field Ship-to Address 2 Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Address 2 on the Documents.
Field Ship-to City Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to City on the Documents.
Field Ship-to Post Code Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Post Code on the Documents.
Field Ship-to Country Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Country on the Documents.
Field Ship-to Contact Field value will be transferred to the Ship-to Contact on the Documents.
Field Line Type Indicates the Line Type to be transferred to the Document Line.
Field Line Type No. Field value will be Validated and transferred to the No. field on the Document Line.
Field Description Indicates the Description to be transferred to the Document Line.
Field Variant Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Variant Code field on the Document Line.
Field Unit of Measure Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Unit of Measure field on the Document Line.
Field VAT Prod. Posting Group Field value will be Validated and transferred to VAT Prod. Posting Group field on the Document Line.
Field Payment Terms Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Payment Terms field on the Document.
Field FA Maint. Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Maintenance Code field on the Document Line.
Field Salesperson/Purchaser Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Salesperson- or Purchaser Code field on the Document dependning on transaction type.
Field Line Quantity Field value will be transferred to the Quantity field on the Document Line.
Field Line Amount Field value will be transferred to the Line Amount field on the Document Line.
Field Discount Field value will be transferred to the Line Discount % field on the Document Line.
Field VAT Amount VAT Amount for the Transaction.
Field Exch. Rate Factor Field is used to calculate the Exchange Rate.
Field Currency Code Field value will be transferred to the Currency Code field on the Document Line.
Field Sum Qty Field used for calculation purposes.
Field Sum Amount Field used for calculation purposes.
Field Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 1 Code field on the Document.
Field Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 2 Code field on the Document.
Field Shortcut Dimension 3 Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 3 Code field on the Document.
Field Shortcut Dimension 4 Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 4 Code field on the Document.
Field Shortcut Dimension 5 Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 5 Code field on the Document.
Field Shortcut Dimension 6 Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 6 Code field on the Document.
Field Shortcut Dimension 7 Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 7 Code field on the Document.
Field Shortcut Dimension 8 Code Field value will be Validated and transferred to the Shortcut Dimension 8 Code field on the Document.
Field Account Customer No. Field value is linked to the Account No. field.
Field Journal Template Specifies the value of the Journal Template field.
Field Journal Batch Specifies the value of the Journal Batch field.
Field Journal Recurring Method Specifies the value of the Journal Recurring Method.
Field Journal Recurring Frequency Specifies the value of the Journal Recurring Frequency.
Field Gen. Journal VAT Date Specifies the value of the Gen. Journal VAT Date field.
Field Journal Amount (LCY) Specifies the value of the Journal Amount (LCY) field.
Field Gen. Journal Document Type Specifies the value of the Gen. Journal Document Type field.
Field Gen. Journal Account Type Specifies the value of the Gen. Journal Account Type field.
Field Gen. Journal Account No. Specifies the value of the Gen. Journal Account No. field.
Field Val. Gen. Journal Account No. Specifies the value of the Val. Gen. Journal Account No. field.
Field Gen. Posting Type Specifies the value of the Gen. Posting Type field.
Field Gen. Bus. Posting Group Specifies the value of the Gen. Bus. Posting Group field.
Field Gen. Prod. Posting Group Specifies the value of the Gen. Prod. Posting Group field.
Field VAT Bus. Posting Group Specifies the value of the VAT Bus. Posting Group field.
Field Bal. Account Type Specifies the value of the Bal. Account Type field.
Field Bal. Account No. Specifies the value of the Bal. Account No. field.
Field Val. Bal. Account No. Specifies the value of the Val. Bal. Account No. field.
Field Bal. Gen. Posting Type Specifies the value of the Bal. Gen. Posting Type field.
Field Bal. Gen. Bus. Posting Group Specifies the value of the Bal. Gen. Bus. Posting Group field.
Field Bal. Gen. Prod. Posting Group Specifies the value of the Bal. Gen. Prod. Posting Group field.
Field Bal. VAT Bus. Posting Group Specifies the value of the Bal. VAT Bus. Posting Group field.
Field Bal. VAT Prod. Posting Group Specifies the value of the Bal. VAT Prod. Posting Group field.
Field Val. Validation Status Validation status of the record.
Field Val. Payment Method Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. Account No. Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. Resp. Center Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. Salesperson/Purchaser Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. Currency Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. Location Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. To Location Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during Item Journal creation.
Field Val. VAT Prod. Posting Group Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. Payment Terms Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. Line Type No. Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. Variant Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. Unit of Measure Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. FA Maint. Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Validated Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Validated Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Validated Shortcut Dimension 3 Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Validated Shortcut Dimension 4 Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Validated Shortcut Dimension 5 Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Validated Shortcut Dimension 6 Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Validated Shortcut Dimension 7 Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Validated Shortcut Dimension 8 Code Displays the validation result for this field and the value will be used during document creation.
Field Val. Processed By Indicates the user that processed the transaction.
Field Val. Processed Date Indicates the date the transactions was processed on.
Field Val. Document No. The Document No. that was created and where this transactions was added.
Field Val. Document Line No. The Document Line No. on the created Document No.
Field Error Message Indicates any validation error messages.
Field User Comment User comments on the transaction.
Field Response Sent Indicates if a processing response has been sent to an external party.
Field Response Received Indicates if a processing response has been received from an external party.
Action Refresh Refreshes the records displayed on the page.
Action Import Transactions Import transactions from a file.
Action Validate Vaildates incoming data against master data or mappings.
Action Create Customers/Vendors Creates missing customers or vendors
Action Create Sales Documents Creates sales documents for all selected transactions
Action Create Purchase Documents Creates purchase documents for all selected transactions
Action Create Item Journal Lines Creates Item Journal lines for all selected transactions
Action Create General Journal Lines Creates General Journal lines for all selected transactions
Action Create Assembly Orders Creates Assembly Orders for all selected transactions