
Object Definition

Object TypePage
Object ID71112637
Object NameBudgetSummaryFactBox_BMG_LINC
Source TablePurchase Line



Type Caption ToolTip
Field No. Indicates the identifier of the current line item.
Field Month Indicates the date range of the current month.
Field Month (Actual) Indicates the sum of actual amounts for the current line item in the current month.
Field Month (Budget) Indicates the sum of budget amounts for the current line item in the current month.
Field Month (Pending) Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, excluding the current document, in the current month.
Field Month (Expected) Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, including the current document, in the current month.
Field YTD Indicates the date range of the current calendar year.
Field YTD (Actual) Indicates the sum of actual amounts for the current line item in the current calendar year to date.
Field YTD (Budget) Indicates the sum of budget amounts for the current line item in the current calendar year to date.
Field YTD (Pending) Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, excluding the current document, in the current calendar year to date.
Field YTD (Expected) Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, including the current document, in the current calendar year to date.
Field FY Indicates the date range of the current fiscal year.
Field FY (Actual) Indicates the sum of actual amounts for the current line item in the current fiscal year to date.
Field FY (Budget) Indicates the sum of budget amounts for the current line item in the current fiscal year to date.
Field FY (Pending) Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, excluding the current document, in the current fiscal year to date.
Field FY (Expected) Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, including the current document, in the current fiscal year to date.
Field No. Indicates the fixed asset number for the current line item.
Field FA Acquisition Budget Indicates the total fixed asset acquisition budget of the current line item.
Field Total Acquisition Cost Indicates the total fixed asset acquisition cost of the current line item.
Field Unposted Amounts Indicates the unposted sum of fixed asset acquisition cost of the current line item (from purchase document lines).
Field Remaining Budget Indicates the remaining acquisition cost budget for the current line item.