Field | No. | Indicates the identifier of the current line item. |
Field | Month | Indicates the date range of the current month. |
Field | Month (Actual) | Indicates the sum of actual amounts for the current line item in the current month. |
Field | Month (Budget) | Indicates the sum of budget amounts for the current line item in the current month. |
Field | Month (Pending) | Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, excluding the current document, in the current month. |
Field | Month (Expected) | Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, including the current document, in the current month. |
Field | YTD | Indicates the date range of the current calendar year. |
Field | YTD (Actual) | Indicates the sum of actual amounts for the current line item in the current calendar year to date. |
Field | YTD (Budget) | Indicates the sum of budget amounts for the current line item in the current calendar year to date. |
Field | YTD (Pending) | Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, excluding the current document, in the current calendar year to date. |
Field | YTD (Expected) | Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, including the current document, in the current calendar year to date. |
Field | FY | Indicates the date range of the current fiscal year. |
Field | FY (Actual) | Indicates the sum of actual amounts for the current line item in the current fiscal year to date. |
Field | FY (Budget) | Indicates the sum of budget amounts for the current line item in the current fiscal year to date. |
Field | FY (Pending) | Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, excluding the current document, in the current fiscal year to date. |
Field | FY (Expected) | Indicates the sum of open purchase lines (outstanding amounts) for the current line item, including the current document, in the current fiscal year to date. |
Field | No. | Indicates the fixed asset number for the current line item. |
Field | FA Acquisition Budget | Indicates the total fixed asset acquisition budget of the current line item. |
Field | Total Acquisition Cost | Indicates the total fixed asset acquisition cost of the current line item. |
Field | Unposted Amounts | Indicates the unposted sum of fixed asset acquisition cost of the current line item (from purchase document lines). |
Field | Remaining Budget | Indicates the remaining acquisition cost budget for the current line item. |